Day- nineteen


   1- When did…………


आपको डिग्री कब मिली?                    

When did you get degree?

तुम्हारा तलाक कब हुआ?                        

When did you get divorced?

आपने बाइक कब बेची?                           

When did you  sell the bike?

तुम जर्मनी मे कब रहे?                            

When did you live in Germany?

तुम हिंदी कब सीखे?                                

When did you learn hindi?

तुम जेल से बाहर कब आए?                       

When did you get out of prison?

तुम राजनीति में कब आए?                        

When did you come into politics?

तुमने अपना पहला उपन्यास कब लिखा?   

When did you write your first novel?

यह वार्तालाप कब हुआ?                             

When did this conversation take place?

 यह घटना कब हुई ?                                   

When did this incident happen?



     2-When will you…………………?


तुम कब सीखोगे?           

When will you learn?

तुम शादी कब करोगे?     

When will you marry?

तुम कब आओगे?           

When will you come?

तुम कब उठोगें?              

When will you get up?

तुम कब निकलोगे?        

When will you leave?



3-When are you ……………..?


तुम घर कब बदल रहे हो?       

When are you moving house?

तुम कब निकल रहे हो?          

When are you leaving?

तुम घर कब जा रहे हो?           

When are you going home?

तुम घऱ कब  रहे हो?           

When are you coming home?

तुम छुट्टी पर क्रब जा रहे हो?    

When are you going on holiday?







    4- When can you …………….?


तुम कब शुरू कर सकते हो?                     

When can you start?

तुम कब समाप्त का सकते हो?                

When can you finish?

तुम कब  सकते हो?                           

When can you come?

तुम मुझे उत्तर कब दे सकते हो?            

When can you give me the answer?

तुम मुझे एस्टिमेट कब दे सकते हो      

When can you give me the estimate?


    5-Why are you ………………………?


तुम वैसा मुँह क्यों बना रहे हो?        

Why are you making that face?

तुम  क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो?                 

Why are you shouting?

तुम चिंता क्यों कर रहे हो?               

Why are you worrying?

तुम क्यों रो रहे हो?                           

Why are you crying?

तुम क्यों हँस रहे हो?                        

Why are you laughing?


    6- Where is……………….


वह कहॉ है?                            

Where is he?

राम कहाँ है?                           

Where is Ram?

रमेश कहाँ है?                          

Where is Ramesh?

राहूल कहाँ है?                          

Where is Rahul?

मेरी छडी कहाँ है?                      

Where is my stick?

मेरी बंदूक कहाँ है?                    

Where is my gun?

तुम्हारी दुकान कहॉ है?              

Where is your shop?

मेरा मोबाइल कहाँ है?                

Where is my mobile?

तुम्हारा कार्यालय कहाँ है?          

Where is your office?

तुम्हारा घर कहाँ है?                   

Where is your house?


    7- Where is……………………..


एटीएम कहॉ है?                                           

Where is the ATM?

हवाई अड्डा कहाँ है?                                     

Where is the airport?

डाकघर कहाँ है?                                           

Where is the post office?

बस स्टैण्ड कहॉ है?                                       

Where is the bus stand?

लेडिंझ वेअर कहाँ है?                                    

Where is the ladies’ wear?

शू सेक्शन कहॉ है?                                       

Where is the shoe section?

स्टेशन कहाँ है?                                            

Where is the station?

लिफ्ट कहाँ है?                                              

Where is the lift?

टॉयलेट कहॉ है?                                           

Where is the toilet?

ट्रायल स्म कहॉ है?                                       

Where is the fitting room?


    8-Where is…………..


कैश कहाँ है?                          

Where is the cash?

रिमोट कहाँ है?                       

Where is the remote?

समस्या कहाँ है?                    

Where is the difficulty?

समय कहाँ  है?                        

Where is the time?

दूध के लिए पैसे कहाँ है?           

Where is the money for the milk?


    9- Where do you…………..


तुम कहॉ भोजन करते हो?                       

Where do you eat?

तुम कहाँ रहते हो?                                  

Where do you live?

तुम कहाँ सोते हो?                                  

Where do you sleep?

तुम कहॉ काम करते हो?                         

Where do you work?

तुम सुबह कहाँ जाते हो?                          

Where do you go in the morning?


    10- Where are…………..


हम कहॉ है?                                     

Where are we?

तुम कहॉ हो ?                                  

Where are you?

तुम कहॉ हो राम ?                           

Where are you Ram?

बाकी लोग कहाँ है?                          

Where are  the others?

अन्य दो लोग कहाँ है?                      

Where are the other two?


    11-Where are you……………..


 तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो?                             

Where are you going?

तुम कहॉ छिपे हुए हो?                           

Where are you hiding?

तुम कहाँ बैठे हुए हो?                             

Where are you sitting?

तुम हमें कहॉ ले जा रहे हो?                     

Where are you taking us?

तुम कहॉ रह रहे हो आजकल ?               

Where are you living these days?


    12- Where does…….


तुम्हारे पिताजी कहॉ काम करते है?                

Where does your father work?

तुम्हारे दादाजी कहॉ रहते है?                          

Where does your grandfather live?

तुम्हारी माँ कहाँ काम करती है?                      

Where does your mother work?

वह कहॉ रहता है?                                            

Where does he live?

वह कहाँ काम करता है?                                   

Where does he work?

यह सड़क कहाँ जाती है?                                  

Where does this road go?

यह वायर कहाँ जाता है?                                   

Where does this wire go?

यह बस कहाँ जाती है?                                      

Where does this bus go?

यह ट्रेन कहाँ जाती है?                                       

Where does this train go?

यह लोग कहाँ जाते है?                                    

Where do these people go?


    13- Where did you……………………


तुमने यह कोट कहाँ से खरीदा?                          

Where did you buy this coat?

तुमने वह स्वेटर कहाँ से खरीदा?                       

Where did you buy that sweater?

तुम्हें वह रस्सी कहाँ मिली?                                 

Where did you find that rope?

तुम्हें यह पुस्तक कहॉ मिली?                              

Where did you find this book?

तुम्हें वह अखबार कहाँ मिला?                             

Where did you find that paper?

तुम्हे यह अंगूठी कहाँ मिली?                                

Where did you find this ring?

तुमने यह अंगूठी कहॉ से चुराई?                            

Where did you steal this ring?

तुमने लंच कहाँ लिया?                                         

Where did you have lunch?

तुमने वह कागज़ कहॉ रखा?                                 

Where did you put that paper?

तुम्हे यह कहाँ मिला?                                            

Where did you get this?


    14- Where did  …………………


तुम कहाँ से आए?                                   

Where did you come from?

ये पैसै कहाँ से आया?                               

Where did this money come from?

यह कुत्ता कहाँ से आया?                        

Where did this dog come from?

तुम्हें यह खयाल कहाँ से आया?               

Where did you get this idea from?

तुम इसे कहॉ से  ला?                            

Where did you bring this from?


    15- Where can I…………


मुझे टैक्सी कहाँ मिल सकती है?               

Where can I get a taxi?

अखबार कहाँ मिल सकता है?                   

Where can I get a paper?

मैं कोट कहॉ रख सकता हूँ?                       

Where can I put my coat?

यह थैली कहॉ रख सकता हूँ?                    

Where can I put this bag?

मैं अब कहॉ जा सकता हूँ?                         

Where can I go now?


    16- Which way is………..


पश्चिम किस तरफ है?                               

Which way is west?

पूरब किस तरफ है?                                   

Which way is east?

उत्तर किस तरफ है?                                 

Which way is north?

दक्षिण किस तरफ है?                                

Which way is south?

स्टेशन किस तरफ़ है?                                

Which way is the station?


    17-Why do you……………


तुम ऐसा क्यों करते हो?                            

Why do you do so?

तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लगता है?                          

Why do you think so?

तुम वेसा क्यों करते हो?                            

Why do you say that?

तुम ऐसा क्यों रहते हो?                              

Why do you live like this?

तुम ऐसा बरताव क्यों करते हो?                 

Why do you behave like this?



      18- Why did you……….?


तुमने मुझे क्यों ढकेल दिया?                    

Why did you push me over?

तुमने यह क्यों किया?                              

Why did you do this?

तुमने मुझें क्यों काटा?                             

Why did you bite me?

तुमने मुझे क्यों बचाया?                            

Why did you save me?

तुमने मेरा अपहरण क्यों किया?                

Why did you kidnap me?

तुमने मुझे गिरफ्तार क्यों किया?              

Why did you arrest me?

तुमने अपनी नौकरी क्यों छोडी?                

Why did you leave your job?

तुमने मेरी जान क्यों बचाई?                      

Why did you save my life?

तुमने छाता क्यों खोला?                           

Why did you open the umbrella?

तुमने छाता क्यों लाया?                             

Why did you bring the umbrella?


     19- Why would I…………


मैं झूठ क्यो बोलूंगा?                            

Why would I lie?  

मैं तुमसे झूठ क्यों बोलूंगा?                   

Why would I lie to you?

मैं नौकरी क्यों छोडूंगा ?                        

Why would I leave the job?

मैं नौकरी क्यों करूँगा?                           

Why would I do a job?

मैं तुम्हारे पैसे क्यों चुराऊँगा?                 

Why would I steal your money?


     20- Why ………………


चिता क्यों करें?                  

Why worry?

जल्दबाजी क्यों करें?          

Why hurry?

डरना किसलिए?                

Why fear?

झूठ क्यों बोलें?                  

Why tell a lie? / Why lie?

समय बर्बाद क्यों करें?       

Why waste time?


     21- Why do you keep………


तुम चिल्लाते क्यों रहते हो?        

Why did you keep shouting?

तुम सोते क्यों रहते हो?              

Why did you keep sleeping?

तुम कूदते क्यों रहते हो?              

Why did you keep jumping?


     22- How are………..


तुम कैसे हो?                              

How are you?

तुम्हारे बच्चे कैसे है?                  

How are your children?

तुम्हारे माता -पिता कैसे है       

How are your parents?

     23- How do you like…………


तुम्हें हमारा नया घर कैसा लगता  है?                    

How do you like our new house?

तुम्हें तुम्हारी नयी पाठशाला कैसी लगती  है?        

How do you like your new school?

तुम्हें तुम्हारी नयी अध्यापिका कैसी लगती  है?      

How do you like your new teacher?


    24- How is……………..


काम कैसा है?                        

How is work?

धंधा कैसा है?                        

How is business?

परिवार कैसा है?                    

How is the family?

मौसी कैसी है                         

How is aunt?

तुम्हारा पैर कैसा है?               

How is your foot?

मौसम कैसा है?                       

How is the weather?

तुम्हारा परिवार कैसा है?         

How is your family?

तुम्हारा व्यवसाय कैसा है?        

How is our business?

तुम्हारे पिताजी अब कैसे है?     

How is your father now?

तुम्हारी नईं कार कैसी है?         

How is your new car?


     25-How was……………….


दिन कैसा रहा?                     

How was the day?

परीक्षा कैसी थी?                        

How was the exam?

साक्षात्कार कैसा हुआ?              

How was the interview?

तुम्हारी टेस्ट कैसी थी?               

How was your test?

यात्रा कैसी थी?                           

How was the session?


     26- How do you………………….


आप चावल कैसे पकाते हैं                            

How do you cook rice?

अब तुम्हें कैसा लगता है?                         

How do you feel now?

तुम्हें केसे पता?                                      

How do you know?

तुम्हें मेरा नाम कैसे पता?                        

How do you know my name?

तुम्हें मेरा पता केसे मालूम?                     

How do you know my address?

     27- How does……………


यह खिड़कीं कैसे खुलती है?                    

How does this window open?

यह दरवाजा कैसे खुलता है?                  

How does this door open?

यह पद्धति कैसे काम करती है?              

How does this method work?

यह मशीन कैसे काम करती है?             

How does this machine work?

जॉन विद्यालय कैसे जाता है?               

How does John go to school?

      28- How fat…….


वह कितना मोटा है?                           

How Fat is he?

यह इमारत कितनी पुरानी है?             

How old is this building?

यह परंपरा कितनी पुरानी है?              

How old is this tradition?

उसकी कार कितनी पुरानी है?              

How old is his car?

यह कानून कितना पुराना है?              

How old is this law?

    29- How did you………


आपको मेरा नंबर कैसे मिला?                           

How did you get my number?

तुम अंदर कैसे आए?                          

How did you get in?

तुम्हें यह खयाल कैसे आया?                

How did you get this idea?

तुमने अनुमान कैसे लगाया?                

How did you guess?

तुम पानी में कैसे गिरे?                        

How did you fall into the water?

आपको डेंगू कैसे हुआ?                     

How did you contract dengue?

तुम्हें कोविड कैसे हुआ?                 

How did you contract Covid?

तुम्हारे पैर में मोच कैसे आईं?               

How did you twist your ankle?

आपने अपना फोन कैसे तोड़ा?                       

How did you break your phone?


Day18 - लिंक पर क्लिक करेDay20