


डी एम किसका संक्षिप्त रूप है?

What's DM short for?           

पी एन आर किसका संक्षिप्त रूप है?

What's PNR short for?        

बी एस सी किसका संक्षिप्त रूप है?

What's BSc short for?           


What’s the…………..

कविता किस बारे में है?       

What's the poem about?

कहानी किस बारे में है?      

What's the story about?

निबंध किस बारे में है?         

What's the essay about?

What’s the …………..     (मामला)


क्या हुआ है? 

What's the matter?                       

उसे क्या हुआ है? (बस्तु के बारे में)

What's the matter with it?                

उसे क्या हुआ है? (ब्यक्ति के बारे में)

What's the matter with him?              

तुम्हे क्या हुआ है?

What's the matter with you?              

अनिल को क्या हुआ है?

What's the matter with with Anil?         

इस लाइटर को क्या हुआ है?

What's the matter with this lighter?       

तुम्हारे मोबाइल को क्या हुआ है?

What's the matter with your mobile?      

आज कंप्यूटर को क्या हुआ है?


What's the matter with the computer today? 

What’s that…………..


वह मशीन किसलिए है?

What's that machine for?       

वह बटन किसलिए है?

What's that switch for?         

वह लाल बटन किसलिए है?

What’s that red button for?     


What’s wrong…………


क्या हुआ है?

What's wrong?                        

उसे क्या हुआ है? (बस्तु के बारे में)

What's wrong with it?                 

उसे क्या हुआ है? (ब्यक्ति के बारे में) 

What's wrong with him?               

सुनील  को क्या हुआ है?

What's wrong with Sunil?              

डिशवाशर को क्या हुआ है?

What’s wrong with the dishwasher?    

तुम्हारे मोबाइल को क्या हुआ है?

What’s wrong with your mobile?       


What are ……………………..


तुम्हारी योजनाएँ क्या है?                     

What are your plans?

तुम्हारे शौक क्या है?                        

What are your hobbies?

तुम्हें किसका डर है?                         

What are you afraid of?

तुम्हें किसका अभिमान है?                    

What are you proud of?

तुम्हारे कार्यालय का समय-निर्धारण क्या हैं?      

What are your office hours?

 What was-----------


उसकी क्या राय थी?             

What was his opinion?

उसकी सलाह क्या थी?           

What was his advice?

उसका उत्तर क्या था?            

What was his answer?

उसकी माँग क्या थी?             

What was his demand?

उसकी क्या अपेक्षा थी?            

What was his expectation?

What time is………………………


तुम्हारी ट्रेन कितने बजे है?     

What time is your train?

मीटिंग कितने बजे है?          

What time is  the meeting?

तुम्हारा  क्लास कितने बजे है?   

What  time your class?


What month………………..


कौन सा महीना है?      

What month is this?

यह कौनसा वर्ष है?       

What year is this?

यह कौन सी सदी है?     

What century is this?


What month………….


कौन सा  महीना था वो?        

What month was that?    

कौन सा बर्ष था वो?             

What year was that?

कौन सी सदी थी वो?           

What century was that?


What floor is........................on?  (बड़ी दुकान आदि में पूछा गया प्रश्न)


कौन सी मंजिल पर फर्नीचर है?               

What floor is Furniture on?

किस मंजिल पर है वह?                     

What floor is it on?

तुम्हारा फ्लैट कौन सी मंजिल पर है?         

What floor is your flat on?

तुम्हारा कार्यालय किस मंजिल पर है?         

What floor is your office on?

तुम्हारा  कार्यालय  किस  सड़क पर है?     

What street is your office on?


What …………………


तुम किस स्टॉप पर हो?          

What stop are you at?

तुम किस कमरे में हो?            

What room are you in?

तुम किस व्यवसाय में हो?        

What business are you in?

तुम किस कक्षा में हो?            

What class are you in?

तुम किस देश से हो?             

What country are you from?

What day……………….


आज कौन सा दिन है?         

What day is it today?

कल कौन सा दिन था?         

What day was it yesterday?

कल कौन सा दिन है?           

What day is it tomorrow?

आज क्या तारीख है?            

What date is it today?

सोमवार को क्या तारीख है?     

What date is it on Monday?




उस लड़की का नाम क्या है?     

What’s that girl's name?

उस लड़के का नाम क्या है?      

What’s that boy's name?

राहुल का पता क्य? है?         

What’s  Rahul’s address?

हरि का मोबाइल नंबर क्या है?          

What’s  Hari's mobile number?

राहुल का पसंदीदा कार्यक्रम कौन सा है?  

What’s Rahul’s favorite program?


What about………………


जॉन का कैसा?                  

What about John?

जोखिम का क्या?                

What about the risk?

पैसे का क्या?                   

What about the money?

तुम्हारी परीक्षा का क्या?

What about your examination?

तुम्हारे कंप्यूटर क्लास का क्या?    

What about your computer class?


What about------------


यह हैट कैसी रहेगी?                  

What about this hat?

यह कैसी रहेगी?                      

What about this one?

एक कप चाय कैसी रहेगी?             

What about a cup of tea?

गुरुवार कैसा रहेगा?                   

What about Thursday?

अगला मगलवार केसा रहेगा?           

What about the next Tuesday?


What do you…………….


तुम क्या करते हो?              

What do you do?

तुम क्या कहतें हो?                

What do you say?

तुम क्या बेचते हो?                

What do you sell?

तुम क्या खेलते हो?               

What do you play?

तुम्हें क्या मालूम है?              

What do you know?

तुम्हारे कहने का क्या मतलब है?    

What do you mean?

तुम्हारी क्या अपेक्षा है?            

What do you expect?

तुम्हें क्या लगता है?              

What do you think?

तुम्हें क्या पसंद है?                

What do you like?


What do ………………do?


डॉक्टर क्या करते है?          

What do doctors do?

विद्यालय क्या करते है?       

What do schools do?

चोर क्या करते है?             

What do thieves do?

नेता क्या करते है?             

What do leaders do?

अखबार क्या करते है?          

What do newspapers do?


What do you think about………


तुम्हें इस बारे में क्या लगता है?                

What do you think about this?

तुम्हे इस कानून के बारे में क्या लगता है?        

What do you think about this law?

तुम्हें इस योजना के बारे में क्या लगता है?       

What do you think about this plan?

तुम्हें इस नीति के बारे में क्या लगता है?          

What do you think about this policy?

तुम्हें इस प्रस्ताव के बारे में क्या लगता है?        

What do you think about this proposal?


What does …………………………do?


हमारा दिमाग क्या करता है?               

What does our brain do?

तुम्हारी पत्नी क्या करती है?                

What does your wife do?

तुम्हारे पिताजी क्या करते है?               

What does your father do?

तुम्हारा भाई क्या करता है?                  

What does your brother do?

तुम्हारी  मां क्या करती है?                  

What does your mother do?

सरकार क्या करती है?                      

What does the government do?

पुलिस विभाग क्या करता है?                

What does the police department do?

विशेष दल क्या करता है?                   

What does the special Squad do?

जासूसी विभाग क्या करता है?               

What does the detection do?

चोर क्या करता है?                         

What does a thief do?


What does………mean?


इसका क्या मतलब है?                  

What does this mean?

उसका क्या मतलब है?                 

What does that mean?

इस चिम्ह का क्या अर्थ है?             

What does this sign mean?

इस शब्द का क्या अर्थ है?              

What does this word mean?

रिलेटिविटि का क्या मतलब है?           

What does relativity mean?


What did you………….


तुमने क्या कहा?               

What did you say?

तुमने उससे क्या कहा?               

What did you say to her?

तुमने नाश्ते में क्या लिया?             

What did you have for breakfast?

तुमने क्या सीखा?                     

What did you learn?

तुमने क्या तय किया?                

What did you decide?


What did I…………..


मैंने तुम्हें क्या बताया?                

What did I tell you?

मैंने तुमसे क्या पूछा?                  

What did I ask you?

मैंने तुम्हें क्या किया?                 

What did I do to you?


What am I …………


मैं क्या कह रहा हूँ?            

What am I saying?

मैं क्या पूछ रहा हूँ?            

What am I asking?

मैं यहाँ क्या कर रहा हूँ?        

What am I doing here?


What is he……………..


वह क्या कह रहा है?                   

What is he saying?

वह क्या पूछ रहा है?                    

What is he asking?

वह यहॉ क्या कर रहा है?               

What is he doing here?


What are you…………………


तुम क्या बना रहे हो?       

What are you drawing?

तुम क्या सुझा रहे हो?      

What are you suggesting?

तुम क्या कह रहे हो?       

What are you saying?

तुम क्या सोच रहे हो?        

What are you thinking?

तुम क्या पढ़ रहे हो?         

What are you reading?


What are you doing…………..


तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो?         

What are you doing here?

तुम कल क्या कर रहे हो?          

What are you doing  tomorrow?

तुम आजकल क्या कर रहे हो?            

What are you doing these days?

तुम आज शाम को क्या कर रहे हो?         

What are you doing this evening?

तुम उस कोने  में क्या कर रहे हो?         

What are you doing in that corner?


What  are you trying to………………..


तुम क्या सिद्ध करने कीं कोशिश कर रहे हो?       

What are you trying to prove?

तुम क्या कहने की कोशिश का रहे हो?            

What are you trying to say?

तुम क्या करने का प्रयास का रहे हो?              

What are you trying to do?

तुम क्या दिखाने की कोशिश कर रहे हो?           

What are you trying to show?

तुम क्या खोजने की कोशिश का रहे हो?            

What are you trying to find?


What are you………………..


तुम क्या देख रहे हो?                           

What are you looking at?

तुम किसलिए रो रहे हो?                         

What are you crying for?

तुम किसका इंतजार कर रहे हो?  (किस बात का)    

What are you waiting for?

तुम किस बारे में फिकर का रहे हो?                

What are you worrying about?

तुम किसके बारे में बात कर रहे हो?                

What are you talking about?


What were you……………….


तुम क्या कर रहे थे?                

What were you doing?

तुम क्या कह रहे थे?                

What were you saying?

तुम क्या लिख रहे थे?              

What were you writing?

तुम क्या सोच रहे थे?              

What were you thinking?

तुम क्यक्च ढूँढ रहे थे?             

What were you looking for?

तुम किसकी राह देख रहे थे?        

What were you waiting for?

तुम किस बारे में बोल रहे थे?       

What were you talking about?

तुम किस बारे में चिल्ला रहे थे?     

What were you shouting about?

तुम किस बारे में झगड़ रहे थे?      

What were you quarrelling about?

तुम दोनों किस बारे में झगड़ रहे थे?  

What were you two quarrelling about?


What  has happened to………………….


उन्हें क्या हुआ है?             

What has happened to them?

मुझे क्या हुआ है?             

What has happened to me?

तुम्हें क्या हुआ है?             

What has happened to you?


What should l ………………    (कौन सा शर्ट, वगैरह)


मैं क्या पहनूँ?                      

What should I wear?

मैं क्या लाऊँ?                       

What should I bring?

मैं अब क्या करू?                

What should I do now?


What sort of…………………


तुम किस प्रकार की पुस्तके पढ़ते हो?      

What sort of books do you read?

तुम्हें कैसा संगीत अच्छा लगता है?         

What sort of music do you like?

तुम कैसे कार्यक्रम देखते हो?              

What sort of programs do you watch?


What kind of……………………………..


कैसे पिता हो तुम?                 

What kind of a dad are you?

कैसी मां हो तुम?                  

What kind of mother are you?

कैसे शिक्षक हो तुम?               

What kind of teacher are you?

कैसे आदमी हो तुम?               

What kind of man are you?

कैसा पंछी है यह?                  

What kind of bird is this?

What kind of, what type of, what sort of के बाद सामान्यतःa/an का प्रयोग नहीं किया

जातालेकिन अनौपचारिक बातचीत में what kind of आदि के बाद a/a n का प्रयोग का सकतें हैं.

What can I………….


मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ?

What can I do?

मै अब क्या कर सकता हूँ?            

What can I do now?

मै तुम्हारे लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ?      

What can I do for you?

मै क्या कह सकता हूँ?                 

What can I say?

मै क्या दे सकता हूँ?                   

What can I give?


What causes ……………………….


किस कारण क्या होता है?               

What causes what?

प्रदूषण किस कारण होता है?             

What causes pollution?

क्रैन्सर किस कारण होता है?             

What causes cancer?

स्वाइन फ्लू किस कारण होता है?         

What causes swine flu?

दुर्घटनाएँ किस कारण होती है?            

What causes accidents?

बीमारी किस कारण होती है?              

What causes disease?

वेदना किस कारण होती है?               

What causes pain?

संभ्रम किस कारण होता है?               

What causes confusion?

यह संभ्रम किस कारण हुआ?             

What caused this confusion?

स्फोट किस कारण हुआ?                 

What caused the explosion?


What time do you…………


तुम कितने बजे उठते हो?                  

What time do you get up?

तुम कितने बजे नास्ता करते हो?       

What time do you have breakfast?

तुम कितने बजे घर से निकलते हो?     

What time do you leave home?

तुम घर कितने बजे वापस आते हो?     

What time do you return home?

तुम कितने बजे सोने जाते हो?          

What time do you go to bed?


What else can I …………………..


मैं और क्या कह सकता हूँ?                     

What else can I say?  

मैं और क्या पूछ सकता हूँ?                     

What else can I ask?

मैं और क्या कर सकता हूँ?                     

What else can I do?

मैं तुम्हारे लिए और क्या कर सकता हूँ?            

What else can I do for you?

हमारा दिमाग और क्या कर सकता है?             

What else can our brain do?


 What time done…………….


सिनेमा कितने बजे शुरू होता है ?            

What time does the film start?

मैच कितने बजे शुरू होता है?               

What time does the match start?

शो कितने बजे शुरू होता है?                

What time does the show start?

कक्षा कितने बजे शुरू होती है?               

What time does the class start?

मीटिंग कितने बजे समाप्त होती है?          

What time does the meeting  finish?

मीटिंग कितने बजे शुरू होती है?             

What time does the meeting  start?


What time should I………….


मै वहाँ कितने बजे रहूँ ?                   

What time should I be there?

मै कितने बजे तैयार रहूँ ?                  

What time should I be ready?

मै कितने बजे आऊँ?                      

What time should I come? you…………….

तुम्हे कौन सा रंग चाहिए?                  

What colour do you want?

तुम्हे कौन सा साइज चाहिए?                

What size do you want?

तुम घर में कौन सी  भाषा बोलते हो?         

What language do you speak at home?


What does……………….

फिल्म कब शुरू होती है?                   

When does the movie start?

परीक्षा कब समाप्त होती है?                 

When does the exam finish?

अगली ट्रेन कब छूटती है?                   

When does the next train leave?


Day17 - लिंक पर क्लिक करेDay19